Judy Rowland

Judy Rowland
Ready to study with me?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Question #3 Nov. 10th, 2010

Compare your thought closet containing the "What If's" with the eight categories of meditation in Philippians 4:8. How do your anxious thoughts line up with them? 
  • They fit.
  • They don't fit. 
Do the "What If's" belong in your thought closet? 
  • Yes
  • No
Why or why not? 


  1. They definitely do not fit and do not belong in my thought closet.

    When I focus on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and worthy of praise, my "What ifs" will be discarded and my thought closet will be filled with "What Is"

  2. They do not fit at all, and I know this full well. I know that is because when I am focusing on my What If's I am meditating on my problems in stead of meditating on what God says is true. Like Joyce Meyer said...I can either magnify my problems or I can magnify the Lord!
