Judy Rowland

Judy Rowland
Ready to study with me?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Question #8 Nov. 17th, 2010

The Hebrew word translated to our English presumptuous
(zed) in that verse means arrogant, proud, or insolent.

In a post, describe a time you have been presumptuous:

Was your presumption arrogant or humble?
Was your willingness to presume a result of pride or submission? Explain.



  1. Right now all I can think of is the girl at work who presumes to tell me what to do all the time because she is the supervisor's pet. She is no better than me in the chain of command at UPS, but because she is my supervisor's pet she thinks she can boss people around and it is arrogant. It is the result of pride. I am sure I have examples in my own life where I have done this, but this is just a fresh wound so I can't think of any right now.

  2. I am positive there have been many times that I considered myself to be the "more mature" Christian and have told others what they should do in a particular circumstance. I know better now, but back then I was a baby Christian and presumed they didn't have the same knowledge that I had.

  3. The only thing I can think of right now is a time I misjudged a person by assuming they were one way because of how they look, act, etc, and then to find out they are not that way at all. This is definitely arrogance and very humbling when proven wrong.....AND its how I have been treated several times...people assuming I am something I am not. That is so hurtful....but I have been guilty of doing the same thing myself.
