Judy Rowland

Judy Rowland
Ready to study with me?

Monday, November 29, 2010

Question #2

Maybe you are a wise guide. You have received wisdom from God and you reverence Him. You will keep growing in wisdom as you continue to or begin to give.

Do you know someone to whom you can/should impart God's wisdom ? If so,who?

Ask God what you should do about the person He laid on your heart. 


  1. I think my sister could use some of God's wisdom from me, but she thinks I judge her when I share things with her. So, I can't. My other sister is in need of the same type of wisdom. She listens, but still does what she wants to.

    God show me what to do about how to be a wise counsel for my sisters.

  2. I have been encouraging Canaan lately with something he is going thru. I try to always direct him to the Lord and to His Word....I want him to realize that Jesus is our source of life and hope. I have also been able to share some wonderful tidbits from this study with him about his thought closet.

  3. I pray that my children look at the things I have done right in my life and not at the things that I have done wrong. I have made mistakes and I hope that they saw through it all Who was my guidepost, my Rock, my Redeemer.

    I remember one time I felt impressed to send out a text to my three kids saying...."Have you asked God for wisdom today?" Brad later told me that that text was what he needed to make some hard decisions about the bipolar, non-Christian girl he was living with. She ended up in jail after he kicked her out and she is now pregnant with some other guys baby. I pray for her that she will accept Jesus as her LORD and Savior.
