Judy Rowland

Judy Rowland
Ready to study with me?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Question #1

Picking up where we left off yesterday. What would have happened if God's wisdom was applied to the situations we studied yesterday with Esau, David, and Sarah? 

Post next to each name what the potential outcome could have been if they had pulled from the "Wisdom Bin" in their thought closets.  No right or wrong answer here....just use your imagination. 


Esau became a nation called Edom, which remained one of Israel's greatest enemies and consequently experienced God's judgement. God stated Edom would never be rebuilt. Just as Edom had perpetual hatred  for Israel, their country would remain perpetually empty. Various countries have controlled the territory that was once Edom, but Edom as a nation disappeared. What a sad result of an emotionally charged, wisdom-lacking initial act. (Num. 20:14-21, Jer. 49:17)



  1. Esau (Edom) suffered God's wrath and was destroyed. Had he used wisdom and been obedient, there would have been peace with Israel and the blessings of God.

  2. Esau (Edom) would have been blessed by God, and a blessing and friend to Israel. A large, bustling, city that flourished like Israel with every imaginable fruit and vegetation,beautiful.
