Judy Rowland

Judy Rowland
Ready to study with me?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Question #8 Nov. 15th, 2010

We are to wear faith labels and to speak statements of faith to our soul no matter our circumstances--no matter the fact. Naomi could have said to herself, "Naomi, woman of God...you are a widow now. You have no sons to take care of you. You, my dear, now have the amazing opportunity to have the God of your Fathers, the Lord Jehovah, provide for you and protect you. He is the Husband of your people Israel, and He will bring sweetness to your life." She could have said those words to her soul and worn the faith label "favored by God." Instead, she saw the label "widow" and decided to tell her soul her name was "Bitterness."

Do you talk to your soul that way? 
  • Yes
  • No


  1. Yes, at times I do. I Know in my head what my faith labels should be but I don't always apply it in my heart.

  2. I do talk to myself that way sometimes. I can think of one example that I have said before....I used to say all the time..."I give up" when something was out of my control or I couldn't figure something out. Now I correct myself and say "I give it up!"

  3. Sometimes when i get down I can convince myself no one loves me or even likes me. Then I remind myself God loves me and can see that others do too.
