Judy Rowland

Judy Rowland
Ready to study with me?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Quesiton #5 Nov. 17th, 2010

Faulty assumptions always reveal themselves in wrong thinking and result in erroneous action. 

Martha questioned Jesus' motives behind not coming sooner.
Jezebel exalted her belief in idolatry against God's miracles.
Rachel threatened to give up hope if she did not get her way.
Job's wife suggested when life is hard, abandon God and take control.

With which of the characters do you best relate? Explain why in a post.


  1. I guess subconsciously I would say Job's wife because that is what most of us do. When life gets hard we first try our own solutions instead of sticking to "abiding" in the Lord like we have been taught to do. Then later when what we have tried doesn't work we say...."All I can do now is pray." We should start with prayer and trust that God hears and sees our circumstances and knows what is best.

  2. I think I fit a little with Martha (Lord if you would just step in and fix this then ??? wouldn't happen)and Rachel (I have been praying about this for so long and nothings happening!)
