Judy Rowland

Judy Rowland
Ready to study with me?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Question #1 Nov. 17th, 2010

As a little girl, each Sunday we passed a beautiful Catholic church. Stately and ornate, it didn't look like my church at all, and it always caught my gaze.  Then came the day when it amazed me beyond words. 

As a child I could see well, and colors, architecture, and even signage captured my attention. You'll understand my astonishment when my eyes landed on an ordinary street sign planted in the parking lot of this extraordinary church that read: Angle Parking Only, I was about six and wasn't a great reader, so I thought it said Angel Parking Only. I was in awe the Catholics had angels attending. I'd never seen any at my church!
Years later I realized my spelling gaffe. It was fun thinking angels parked at the Catholic church, but it was wrong. My wrong thinking came from a faulty assumption. All of our thoughts are based on our assumptions, our beliefs. That's why we must have truthful assumptions. 
Faulty assumptions are not harmless accessories we take on and off. They actually become the base of our thoughts and actions. They anchor the wardrobe of our lives.  That's why it's very dangerous to assume something is true when it isn't. 
Begin to consider your assumptions. Can you see how they influence your thoughts? 

How are assumptions and thoughts connected?


  1. Assumptions spawn more thoughts which turn into actions.

  2. When we assume something, that is how we begin to think about that thing.
