Judy Rowland

Judy Rowland
Ready to study with me?

Monday, November 29, 2010

Question #4

I don't know her name, but she had a thought closet full of wisdom. Mark 5 gives us access to it, and after a quick peek, I'm convinced she, you, and I have a lot in common. 

First of all, the woman talked to herself. I like her already. And secondly, she had issues!

I've got issues, you've got issues, all God's children got issues! Issues like illness, financial troubles, insecurities, relationship conflict, fear, and sadness. Our thought closets are jammed with tricky stuff.

What kind of issues are crowding your thought closet?


  1. Relationship conflicts
    financial issues
    Marital issues
    Self esteem (weight/acne)

  2. Kid worries
    financial worries
    inner conflict
