Judy Rowland

Judy Rowland
Ready to study with me?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Question #2

David - 

The actual result of David's feeling-driven thoughts and actions were guilt, adultery, murder, the death of a child, and family strife. Oh, how wisdom would have protected him from heartbreak and regret. (2 Sam. 12:5-7, 10-11, 15-18)



  1. If David would have turned from the temptation and not fulfilled his lust, he would not have brought such strife to himself and his family. Bathsheba was put in the position of adultery, Uriah's life would have been spared, David would not have had the horrible experience of losing a child.

  2. David's kingship and marriage would have been the example for his children it should have been, and there would not have been all the problems with his children that turned up later. He would not have to suffer the guilt and shame of murder/adultery. He would not have had to suffer the devastating loss of a child. Bathsheba and Uriah would still be married with children of their own.
