Judy Rowland

Judy Rowland
Ready to study with me?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Question #6 Nov. 11th, 2010

Sister here is a hard truth. To call yourself an untruthful, harsh name is a sin. It's an insult to God, demeans His workmanship, and devalues His creation. On day one I asked you to consider the statement: "Who you are and what you struggle with are not the same thing." When you call yourself a name, it reflects what you struggle with; it is an emotional reaction. It is not a statement of who you are. Seeing the truth of what name-calling really is helps me to control my self-talk when I get frustrated with myself. I don't want to insult or hurt God. 

Confess your sin of name calling to God.

Copy and paste this prayer in a new post and fill in the blanks. 

Dear Father,
Please forgive me for calling myself_______________________________________.
In Your strength, I repent from telling lies to and about myself. Please give me grace to speak truth to my soul about who I am in You. I know the Enemy will tempt me in this area. Make me alert and strong in Your power. Thank You for Your forgiveness and freedom. Amen.


  1. Dear Father
    Please forgive me for calling myself stupid, fat, idiot, failure, hypocrite...all those negative emotional reactions! In Your strength, I repent from telling lies to and about myself. Please give me grace to speak truth to my soul about who I am in you. I know the Enemy will tempt me in this area. Make me alert and strong in Your power. Thank You for Your forgiveness and freedom. Amen

  2. Dear Father,
    Please forgive me for calling myself Stupid, dumb, ugly, idiot, alone, etc.
    In Your strength, I repent from telling lies to and about myself. Please give me grace to speak truth to my soul about who I am in You. I know the Enemy will tempt me in this area. Make me alert and strong in Your power. Thank You for Your forgiveness and freedom. Amen.

  3. Dear Father,
    Please forgive me for calling myself stupid.
    In Your strength, I repent from telling lies to and about myself. Please give me grace to speak truth to my soul about who I am in You. I know the Enemy will tempt me in this area. Make me alert and strong in Your power. Thank You for Your forgiveness and freedom. Amen.
