Judy Rowland

Judy Rowland
Ready to study with me?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Question #5 Nov. 9th, 2010

Are you surprised at your self-talk or by the substance of what you say to yourself? I was surprised when I first tuned in to my thoughts because I used to think I didn't meditate until I realized I did it unconsciously all the time---I worried. The soundtrack in my thought closet wasn't a running "Top 20" of God's wonders and Word; it was my worries. You know, worries like: What if I can't get a ride to my appointment? What if I fail? What if something happens to my kids?

What do worrying and meditating have in common? In your own words, describe worry:


  1. To me worry is meditating on the things that scare us...the "What if's" The things that have NOT happened, but we fear could happen.

  2. Fear, anxiety, unsure, concern

    I hadn't really thought of grouping worry and meditating together....but when my focus is on my worry, that is what is playing over and over in my mind....I'm meditating on my problems (worrying) instead of meditating on who God.

  3. I remember a Quote from Joyce Meyer that went something like this...."We can magnify our problems, or we can magnify the Lord!" Seems appropriate!
