Judy Rowland

Judy Rowland
Ready to study with me?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Question #5 Nov. 10th, 2010

The standard for our words and meditation is not merely what is acceptable to us; rather, it is what is acceptable to God. In our own sight, our self-talk and meditation may appear fine, but imagine God listening to you talk to yourself.
Consider God your passenger as you drive and meditate on anxious thoughts stored in your thought closet. See Him as you look in the mirror and think on old destructive thoughts. Simply put, He stands in the center of your thought closet. Imagine everything you say to yourself is spoken in His sight. 

Would you still say the same things to yourself and carry on the same meditations?


  1. I have had times when I am so frustrated that I have vented to the Lord like I would a close friend.....He already knows anyway, so I might as well confess it to Him! But, the difference is after I have vented, I feel such a peace like He is putting His arms around me and letting me know its ok....He has everything in control....just TRUST!
    Unfortunately, there are too many times, that I just dwell on the negative thoughts before I turn to Him.
    If I will constantly remember that He is always here, right with me no matter where I am, I know my thoughts and words will change and be more God focused.

  2. Me too Michele, I have done the very same thing because I knew He knew what i was thinking anyway. So I just told Him how I was feeling. Like you said afterward I felt peace. But, like you Michele...I don't pay attention to what I am thinking often enough and I allow any old thought to take up residence in my thought closet before I even turn it over to Him. I am sure this study and the focus will help me with that! One thing I used to say all the time to myself, out loud was "I give up!" I immediately realize it now when i say it and say...."No, I give it up!" Because God says cast all our cares on Him because He cares for us and that is what I feel I am doing!
