Judy Rowland

Judy Rowland
Ready to study with me?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Question #7 Nov. 10th, 2010

My friend God cares about your meditations. He cares about what you say to yourself because He cares about you. He is your Father, the One who made you. To focus on "What If" and never meditate on "What Is" imprisons you. To dwell on untruths is to hold His truth in low regard. May it never be!

Ask God to show you if the contents and soundtracks of your thought closet are acceptable to Him. What do you believe God is showing you about this?

1 comment:

  1. I believe He has shown me that my thoughts do not honor Him and that I need to Magnify Him with my thoughts and not my problems or fears. He has shown me that to think on things that are just "What if's" only magnify them and play on my fears paralyzing me and I need to hold His truths in higher regard than anything my brain makes up!
