Judy Rowland

Judy Rowland
Ready to study with me?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Question #1 Nov. 9th, 2010

Luke 2:19 (New International Version)

19 But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. 
In this verse Mary showed us how to focus our minds and meditate on God's Wonders and His Word. After receiving the life-changing (and world-changing!) truth she would bear the Son of God. Mary treasured and pondered all  these things in her heart. The original Greek denotes that she conferred with herself and brought all her experiences and God's Wonders together in her mind. Wow. That's what godly meditation looks like. Can you imagine the music in her thought closet?

Mary not only thought about the events she'd just experienced, she also made sure she remembered them. Meditation involves not only "storing"  our thoughts (kept and treasured) like Mary did, but also "studying" them (pondered).

Mary stored away and studied God's wonders and Word. How about you?

Describe one thing you stored away in your thought closet that reminds you of God's wonders or His Word:


  1. I remember being at a Titus II weekend retreat with Garnetta Smith and Diane Nelson. Diane was teaching and she was standing in front of a wall of picture windows. It was a beautiful fall morning like what we have had lately and I was with my friends Tracy Carrico and Barbara Weisburg at the meeting. While Diane was sharing so beautifully from God's Word I looked and was brought to tears because the trees outside the picture windows looked like they were all moving in unison with their hands lifted to the Heavens praising God almighty! I treasure that memory and relive it often in my mind especially since Diane is no longer here on earth with us, but with the LORD!

  2. Years ago I was going thru a very difficult time....including experiencing panic attacks. God's word became my lifeline. I wrote scriptures down on cards that had to do with fear and kept them with me at all times. When feelings of panic or fear would threaten to take hold, I began to read the cards and sing songs and some hymns that spoke to me and the most incredible peace would come over me. It took a while, but praise God, He walked me thru this time and although it was a horrible time, it was a renewal time....and I really began to realize how precious His word is!

  3. Hi Michele, glad you are here with us today! I have been there too. Fear is a hard thing to overcome, but with the power of God's Word it can be done! I have experienced that too! Thanks for sharing!
