Judy Rowland

Judy Rowland
Ready to study with me?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Farewell Nov. 8th, 2010

This is a good place to stop today! God's Wonders and His Word!

Keep those things in your lists on your mind today....and I will see you all tomorrow! ~Judy


  1. Caught up with you wise hearted women finally. Just read through the question and could see why i am so irritated this week, I am being held captive by my own mind instead of the mind of Christ. Thank God He is not finish with me yet and loves to clean the closet and put things back in order. As i write this the spirit just reminded me the brush of I'm sorry needs to be used with my sweet husband. He has been living with a female bear with a frustrated mind. Glad to catch up...

  2. I am (very) late today in posting. Spent the day with my husband....we don't get to do that very often. This study is so great!

  3. Glad to have you ladies join me...thought after the move to this new spot that I was going to be doing this alone. Glad I am not, because it is so good. I noticed my prayers tonight with my husband were more of God's Word after today's study! I think He loves it when we pray His Word back to Him! Yeah me..I am noticing a difference all ready!It's a start!
