The Holy Spirit is a Counselor, a representative of Christ, a Teacher, and the One who will remind us of truth. So what does that look like?
How does God's Spirit help guide and control our soul talk? Tomorrow we will look at four snapshots of the Spirit. As we do we will ask God to reveal truth to us, and be ready to post our thoughts and questions!
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Judy Rowland
Ready to study with me?
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Question #7
Jesus identified the Holy Spirit as a Helper (NASB). The Greek word used is parakletos (paraclete). The apostle John recorded Jesus' using the word four times to classify the Holy Spirit's work. Paraclete carries an assortment of meanings: Advocate, Defender, Helper, Comforter, and Counselor.
List the activities of the Holy Spirit in believers as revealed in the following verses.
List the activities of the Holy Spirit in believers as revealed in the following verses.
John 14:16 (New International Version, ©2010)
16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—
John 14:26 (New International Version, ©2010)
26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.
John 16:13 (New International Version, ©2010)
13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.
Copy and paste for your answer...
John 14:16
John 14:26
John 16:13
Question #6
Another thing we will do today, my friend, is to look at some word pictures that the Bible paints for us. These snapshots will show how the Holy Spirit can help you deal with your issues and keep control in your thought closet. When we receive Christ, we receive His Spirit.
Ephesians 1:13-14 (New International Version, ©2010)
13 And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.
1 Corinthians 3:16 (New International Version, ©2010)
16 Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?
How does Jesus identify the Holy Spirit in the following Verses?
John 15:26 (New International Version, ©2010)
The Work of the Holy Spirit
26 “When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me.John 16:7 (New International Version, ©2010)
7 But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.
Question #5
Now my friend, what I am about to say next is one of the most important statements of our study. Let these words sink in.
Jesus never said her soul talk made her well. He said it was her faith.
Her faith invited healing. Her soul talk contributed to her faith, but it didn't replace her faith. She spoke truth to her soul in the same way you and I need to speak truth to our souls. By faith we receive truth. By faith we believe truth. And by faith we act on truth.
Soul talk can never substitute for faith. The woman could never have talked herself into healing---not in a hundred years. But she did talk herself into seeking Jesus, and that was what she needed. Soul talk is faith's companion, not it's replacement.
Our issues can dictate our beliefs, color our actions, and affect our attitudes, but so can faith. It's essential we have a thought closet full of wisdom and center our soul talk on the truth of Scripture and on our faith in Christ.
Now lean back, relax, and listen to this story....
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a desperately unhappy woman who talked to herself.
She might have said any number of things. She might have told herself to cheer up, to walk on the sunny side of the street, to whistle while she worked, or to simply accept her lot in life. She might even have told herself that her problems were illusions; she was really healthy and whole.
But those aren't the sort of things she said when she spoke to her soul. What she did say led her to an act of faith more daring than anything she could have imagined. When this woman talked to herself, it initiated an encounter that brought immediate healing to her body and soul. It was all because of what she had in her thought closet during one of the most important conversations of her life. She told herself the truth, and that led her straight to Jesus. May you be that woman.
Is there anything causing you to be unhappy today? What will you speak to your soul? What truth will you say to yourself? Will it lead you to Jesus? Can you share with us what you will say to yourself today?
Jesus never said her soul talk made her well. He said it was her faith.
Her faith invited healing. Her soul talk contributed to her faith, but it didn't replace her faith. She spoke truth to her soul in the same way you and I need to speak truth to our souls. By faith we receive truth. By faith we believe truth. And by faith we act on truth.
Soul talk can never substitute for faith. The woman could never have talked herself into healing---not in a hundred years. But she did talk herself into seeking Jesus, and that was what she needed. Soul talk is faith's companion, not it's replacement.
Our issues can dictate our beliefs, color our actions, and affect our attitudes, but so can faith. It's essential we have a thought closet full of wisdom and center our soul talk on the truth of Scripture and on our faith in Christ.
Now lean back, relax, and listen to this story....
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a desperately unhappy woman who talked to herself.
She might have said any number of things. She might have told herself to cheer up, to walk on the sunny side of the street, to whistle while she worked, or to simply accept her lot in life. She might even have told herself that her problems were illusions; she was really healthy and whole.
But those aren't the sort of things she said when she spoke to her soul. What she did say led her to an act of faith more daring than anything she could have imagined. When this woman talked to herself, it initiated an encounter that brought immediate healing to her body and soul. It was all because of what she had in her thought closet during one of the most important conversations of her life. She told herself the truth, and that led her straight to Jesus. May you be that woman.
Is there anything causing you to be unhappy today? What will you speak to your soul? What truth will you say to yourself? Will it lead you to Jesus? Can you share with us what you will say to yourself today?
Question #4
Few Biblical stories validate my own soul talk more than this story about a hurting woman. Psychologists might say she was merely an example of the power of positive self-talk, but that's an incomplete rendering at best and an untrue conclusion at worst. The most important thing isn't that she talked to herself. It's what she told herself that matters. She didn't mouth a bunch of happy talk or feel good phrases. She spoke words of wisdom to her soul.
Counseling ourselves to act on truth and coaching ourselves on to make good choices are healthy and wise. Wise soul talk helps us overcome our issues. The woman with the hemorrhage clearly benefited by telling herself she would be healed if she touched Jesus' robe.
According to Mark 5:30-34 what brought her healing?
Counseling ourselves to act on truth and coaching ourselves on to make good choices are healthy and wise. Wise soul talk helps us overcome our issues. The woman with the hemorrhage clearly benefited by telling herself she would be healed if she touched Jesus' robe.
According to Mark 5:30-34 what brought her healing?
- her tenacity?
- her self-talk?
- her faith?
- her desperation?
Mark 5:30-34 (New International Version, ©2010)
30 At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who touched my clothes?”
31 “You see the people crowding against you,” his disciples answered, “and yet you can ask, ‘Who touched me?’ ”
32 But Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it. 33 Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth. 34 He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”
Question #3
There it is: She talked to herself. She confronted her issue and practiced some soul talk. (And she hadn't even done this study!) She told herself if she touched Jesus, she would be healed. She encouraged, counseled, and advised her soul.
Her wise words prompted her action. She extended her arm through the middle of a crowd to touch her fingers to the hem of Jesus' robe. With that brush of homespun cloth across her fingertips, her great need ran head-on into His limitless provision. In that instant, her courage met His compassion. Her hopes met His holiness.
What does Mark 5:29 tell us about her encounter with Christ?
Her wise words prompted her action. She extended her arm through the middle of a crowd to touch her fingers to the hem of Jesus' robe. With that brush of homespun cloth across her fingertips, her great need ran head-on into His limitless provision. In that instant, her courage met His compassion. Her hopes met His holiness.
What does Mark 5:29 tell us about her encounter with Christ?
Mark 5:29 (New International Version, ©2010)
29 Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.
Question #2
Now we want to focus on what she said to herself. According to this verse post what she said to herself.
Mark 5:28 (New International Version, ©2010)
28 because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.”
Question #1
Picking up right where we left off yesterday...According to this verse, what did the issue laden woman do?
Mark 5:27 (New International Version, ©2010)
27 When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak,
Good Morning Prayer Nov. 30th 2010
Lord, let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer. Help us this day to take our thoughts captive. Some people I know have been posting on facebook, Father, that they deserve to be happy. That is their goal. I pray for them to receive Joy. Joy that comes from knowing You and Your Son Jesus. Help them to find Your Joy. Help them to turn to You and find real Joy. Amen.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Farewell Nov. 29th, 2010
So what are we to do? Is a steady conversation of wise and truthful self talk enough to remedy our issues? No, a time comes when you must speak a word to your soul that prompts action resulting in healing.
Tomorrow we will continue to talk about the Woman who had issues in Mark 5 and find out what she did and what she said to herself!
Tomorrow we will continue to talk about the Woman who had issues in Mark 5 and find out what she did and what she said to herself!
Question #8
We often face one defining circumstance that becomes the headwater from which other issues flow. The issue of being overweight, for instance, can lead to low self-esteem, shaky confidence, and poor health. Maybe you grew up hearing and believing messages such as "You aren't good at anything," or "You were an accident." If you've endured defining words like those, you may battle with issues of self-worth or depression.
For me, blindness is a big issue that opens the door to a host of others. Some of the biggest daily stressors I face are not being able to drive, read, or enjoy independence. And stress, as you know, can morph itself into monster issues such as anger, isolation, or identity crisis. Our issues come with accessories that take up room in our thought closets!
What complications result from your primary issue?
For me, blindness is a big issue that opens the door to a host of others. Some of the biggest daily stressors I face are not being able to drive, read, or enjoy independence. And stress, as you know, can morph itself into monster issues such as anger, isolation, or identity crisis. Our issues come with accessories that take up room in our thought closets!
What complications result from your primary issue?
Question #7
Her "issue of blood" (KJV) created a load of other issues. What were they according to the following Scriptures verses?
Mark 5:26 (New International Version, ©2010)
26 She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse.
Leviticus 15:25 (New International Version, ©2010)
25 “‘When a woman has a discharge of blood for many days at a time other than her monthly period or has a discharge that continues beyond her period, she will be unclean as long as she has the discharge, just as in the days of her period.
Question #6
This woman had a single insurmountable issue, and she had endured it for 12 long years. It had challenged her physically, strained her emotionally, drained her financially, and ostracized her socially.
Which of her descriptions best expresses the result of your issue?
Which of her descriptions best expresses the result of your issue?
Question #5
Let's get to know this woman in Mark 5. What was her primary issue?
Mark 5:25 (New International Version, ©2010)
25 And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years.
Question #4
I don't know her name, but she had a thought closet full of wisdom. Mark 5 gives us access to it, and after a quick peek, I'm convinced she, you, and I have a lot in common.
First of all, the woman talked to herself. I like her already. And secondly, she had issues!
I've got issues, you've got issues, all God's children got issues! Issues like illness, financial troubles, insecurities, relationship conflict, fear, and sadness. Our thought closets are jammed with tricky stuff.
What kind of issues are crowding your thought closet?
First of all, the woman talked to herself. I like her already. And secondly, she had issues!
I've got issues, you've got issues, all God's children got issues! Issues like illness, financial troubles, insecurities, relationship conflict, fear, and sadness. Our thought closets are jammed with tricky stuff.
What kind of issues are crowding your thought closet?
Question #3
You will become well-acquainted with wisdom when you simply request it, revere God, and receive wise counsel.
When you do, wisdom will not only be the watchman at your thought closet door, but it will become one of your best friends.
Say to wisdom, "You are my sister, what would she say to you on a casual morning walk along the river? If understanding actually happened to be your best and most intimate friend, what would she say to you in earnest conversation at a corner table in your favorite cafe'?
You can count on one thing. You wouldn't want to miss a single word. So invite her into your thought closet by requesting, revering God, and receiving counsel.
My friend, remember these three Rs to wisdom: Request it, Revere God, and Receive counsel. As you apply yourself to wisdom, your thought closet will be well guarded and you will be clothed with truth. Oh, you look marvelous!
Post/ type out the three R's to wisdom as a way of remembering them.
When you do, wisdom will not only be the watchman at your thought closet door, but it will become one of your best friends.
Say to wisdom, "You are my sister, what would she say to you on a casual morning walk along the river? If understanding actually happened to be your best and most intimate friend, what would she say to you in earnest conversation at a corner table in your favorite cafe'?
You can count on one thing. You wouldn't want to miss a single word. So invite her into your thought closet by requesting, revering God, and receiving counsel.
My friend, remember these three Rs to wisdom: Request it, Revere God, and Receive counsel. As you apply yourself to wisdom, your thought closet will be well guarded and you will be clothed with truth. Oh, you look marvelous!
Post/ type out the three R's to wisdom as a way of remembering them.
Question #2
Maybe you are a wise guide. You have received wisdom from God and you reverence Him. You will keep growing in wisdom as you continue to or begin to give.
Do you know someone to whom you can/should impart God's wisdom ? If so,who?
Ask God what you should do about the person He laid on your heart.
Do you know someone to whom you can/should impart God's wisdom ? If so,who?
Ask God what you should do about the person He laid on your heart.
Question #1 Nov. 29th, 2010
Okay, we will start where we left off....Wisdom. "When we walk with wisdom, it will wear off on us."
Once again, the Book of Proverbs advises us that "Wisdom is with those who receive counsel," and "a wise man is he who listens to counsel." (Proverbs 13:10; 12:15)
Often we need to take time to listen to others, learn from their mistakes and experiences, and recognize they struggle too. That's why we occasionally peek into another woman's thought closet. They can become wise guides in our lives. Do you have a wise guide (and it should be a female unless it's your husband, father, or brother)?
Describe your wise guide or the woman you will ask God to bring into your life to serve in this capacity.
How does she encourage wisdom in your life?
Once again, the Book of Proverbs advises us that "Wisdom is with those who receive counsel," and "a wise man is he who listens to counsel." (Proverbs 13:10; 12:15)
Often we need to take time to listen to others, learn from their mistakes and experiences, and recognize they struggle too. That's why we occasionally peek into another woman's thought closet. They can become wise guides in our lives. Do you have a wise guide (and it should be a female unless it's your husband, father, or brother)?
Describe your wise guide or the woman you will ask God to bring into your life to serve in this capacity.
How does she encourage wisdom in your life?
Good Morning Prayer Nov. 29th, 2010
Father, we come to You in the name of Jesus. I thank You that I am off from work today because we have had such a busy week and holiday with it's share of family drama. On top of all of that we finally had Lynn's dad's Celebration of Life Ceremony. He died back in July and he didn't have a funeral per his wishes we had this celebration months later. All the responsibility for every thing fell on us. I thank You that the time came and went and it was a success. Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer. Please help us to take our thoughts captive and make them obedient to you. Amen.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Farewell Nov. 24th, 2010
Until you revere God most highly in your life, you will never find true wisdom. Okay, everyone have a safe and fun Thanksgiving and don't pig out too much! God bless, and I will see you all again on Monday. That means you are off tomorrow (Thanksgiving) and Friday, then the weekend and then we meet back here on Monday.:)
When we come back we will talk about the third way to fill your closet with wisdom!
When we come back we will talk about the third way to fill your closet with wisdom!
Question #8
Measure your fear of the Lord by the way you answer the following questions.
- Do you say the name of God casually? For example, "Oh, Lord!" or "Oh my God!" *Never *Sometimes *Often *Always
- How do you feel when you hear someone say God's name as profanity? *don't notice *doesn't bother me *bothers me a little * bothers me a lot * breaks my heart
- Do you consider your clothes an act of worship? *never think about it *sometimes * depends on the place I'm going * always
- What times or places do you consider sacred? *church only * Christian gatherings * patriotic events only *everywhere
- Does your conversation reflect reverence for God? *never *sometimes *often *always
- Do your entertainment selections reveal that all of life is sacred? *never *sometimes *often *always
- Does your life demonstrate the character of God? *never *sometimes *often *always
Question #7
Examine your own heart and mind. My friend, do you fear the Lord? *Yes or *No
Whose truth do you elevate most highly---yours, our culture's or God's? Why?
Whose truth do you elevate most highly---yours, our culture's or God's? Why?
Question #6
To fear the Lord means we revere Him and show deference and respect. It's acting toward God as if approaching a king who invited us into his royal chamber. We are keenly aware of God's high position and the honor of approaching Him! To fear God means we esteem His truth more highly than our feelings or perceptions of truth. To fear the Lord means holding His knowledge and truth in higher regard than our own.
Hebrews scribes meticulously copied the text of the Old Testament to preserve Scripture for future generations, and they wrote the name of God countless times. The consonants "YHWH" denote His holy name. Biblical scholars are not sure what the vowels are for the divine name of God known today as the tetragrammaton. "Yahweh" is our closest guess.
Before a Masoretic scribe would write the name of God, he would first wash himself and then use a new pen. This was to show respect for the name of God and to carefully keep from breaking the Third Commandment (Ex. 20:7)
A Jew never uttered the name of God when reading Scripture aloud out of fear of the Lord. Instead, he would substitute "Adonai," which means "Lord" or "Master." This may be the reason the disciple Matthew most often used the phrase "kingdom of heaven" instead of "kingdom of God."
Now, don't misunderstand. Faithful men and women throughout the Bible spoke the name of God. God is our Father, and we should speak His name. But we should do so with fear or reverence--never casually or crassly. We could all benefit from having a little of the Jewish people's fear factor.
We should guard ourselves against using God's name without respect or "in vain," as the Third Commandment says, "God" is not a stand-in for "Wow!" So how about your fear factor? Think about how you regard and revere God.
For your post, copy and paste something that was new to you, or something that stood out to you in the above paragraphs. Feel free to comment on them as well.
Hebrews scribes meticulously copied the text of the Old Testament to preserve Scripture for future generations, and they wrote the name of God countless times. The consonants "YHWH" denote His holy name. Biblical scholars are not sure what the vowels are for the divine name of God known today as the tetragrammaton. "Yahweh" is our closest guess.
Before a Masoretic scribe would write the name of God, he would first wash himself and then use a new pen. This was to show respect for the name of God and to carefully keep from breaking the Third Commandment (Ex. 20:7)
A Jew never uttered the name of God when reading Scripture aloud out of fear of the Lord. Instead, he would substitute "Adonai," which means "Lord" or "Master." This may be the reason the disciple Matthew most often used the phrase "kingdom of heaven" instead of "kingdom of God."
Now, don't misunderstand. Faithful men and women throughout the Bible spoke the name of God. God is our Father, and we should speak His name. But we should do so with fear or reverence--never casually or crassly. We could all benefit from having a little of the Jewish people's fear factor.
We should guard ourselves against using God's name without respect or "in vain," as the Third Commandment says, "God" is not a stand-in for "Wow!" So how about your fear factor? Think about how you regard and revere God.
For your post, copy and paste something that was new to you, or something that stood out to you in the above paragraphs. Feel free to comment on them as well.
Question #4
Without wisdom we act emotionally, think with our feelings, and don't recognize truth--with catastrophic results. Why would we babble reckless words to ourselves based on our feelings when Christ offers wisdom just for the asking?
Let's look at some MORE ways we can fill our thought closet with wisdom....
I know some of our days of study have required a double shot, fully loaded, venti-size coffee! And I know some days have left you worn our from digging deep into your thought closet and Scripture.
Today you can pour an herbal tea or a decaf and relax! We will explore two more ways to receive wisdom, and they will delight and encourage you. Yesterday, we learned about the primary way to receive wisdom--ask for it.
Now look in the following Scripture verse and post the second way you can receive the wisdom you need.
Let's look at some MORE ways we can fill our thought closet with wisdom....
I know some of our days of study have required a double shot, fully loaded, venti-size coffee! And I know some days have left you worn our from digging deep into your thought closet and Scripture.
Today you can pour an herbal tea or a decaf and relax! We will explore two more ways to receive wisdom, and they will delight and encourage you. Yesterday, we learned about the primary way to receive wisdom--ask for it.
Now look in the following Scripture verse and post the second way you can receive the wisdom you need.
Proverbs 9:10 (New International Version, ©2010)
10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,
and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Question #3
Sarah -
Because Sarah thought with her feelings, she didn't wait on God's timing. The result was Ishmael, the son of her maidservant, Hagar. Although he became a great nation (Gen. 17:20), he was at odds with his brothers (16:12) Muslims consider themselves children of Ishmael, so the conflict continues today.
Because Sarah thought with her feelings, she didn't wait on God's timing. The result was Ishmael, the son of her maidservant, Hagar. Although he became a great nation (Gen. 17:20), he was at odds with his brothers (16:12) Muslims consider themselves children of Ishmael, so the conflict continues today.
Question #2
David -
The actual result of David's feeling-driven thoughts and actions were guilt, adultery, murder, the death of a child, and family strife. Oh, how wisdom would have protected him from heartbreak and regret. (2 Sam. 12:5-7, 10-11, 15-18)
The actual result of David's feeling-driven thoughts and actions were guilt, adultery, murder, the death of a child, and family strife. Oh, how wisdom would have protected him from heartbreak and regret. (2 Sam. 12:5-7, 10-11, 15-18)
Question #1
Picking up where we left off yesterday. What would have happened if God's wisdom was applied to the situations we studied yesterday with Esau, David, and Sarah?
Post next to each name what the potential outcome could have been if they had pulled from the "Wisdom Bin" in their thought closets. No right or wrong answer here....just use your imagination.
Esau became a nation called Edom, which remained one of Israel's greatest enemies and consequently experienced God's judgement. God stated Edom would never be rebuilt. Just as Edom had perpetual hatred for Israel, their country would remain perpetually empty. Various countries have controlled the territory that was once Edom, but Edom as a nation disappeared. What a sad result of an emotionally charged, wisdom-lacking initial act. (Num. 20:14-21, Jer. 49:17)
Post next to each name what the potential outcome could have been if they had pulled from the "Wisdom Bin" in their thought closets. No right or wrong answer here....just use your imagination.
Esau became a nation called Edom, which remained one of Israel's greatest enemies and consequently experienced God's judgement. God stated Edom would never be rebuilt. Just as Edom had perpetual hatred for Israel, their country would remain perpetually empty. Various countries have controlled the territory that was once Edom, but Edom as a nation disappeared. What a sad result of an emotionally charged, wisdom-lacking initial act. (Num. 20:14-21, Jer. 49:17)
Good Morning Prayer
Father God, We come to You in the name of Jesus Your precious Son. We ask that You would please bless our digital time together. Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, our strength and redeemer. Please help us to take our thoughts captive and make them obedient to You. Help us find an answer to some of these questions when we don't have one come to mind. Thank You for Your Son and Your Word and Your Holy Spirit. Thank You for making a way for us sinners to come be with you in Heaven. Thank You that we don't have to pay the penalty for our sin on the cross because Jesus paid it for us. Thank You that some day soon we will be with you in paradise! Thank You for this study and for how it has changed the way we think and speak to ourselves even if it is just a little....for now!! Amen.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Farewell Nov. 23rd, 2010
I remember when I first petitioned God for wisdom when I was only 13 years old. Since then, I constantly ask. And God consistently gives. Wisdom is more reliable than feelings. It will set off little alarms to alert you to the impending enemy invader. Imagine if the wisdom-lacking people we've just studied hadn't thought with their feelings at the moment of their emotionally charged crisis point. Tomorrow that is exactly what we are gonna contemplate. We will write new outcomes for Esau, David, and Sarah, and then we will look at MORE ways to fill our thought closets with wisdom!!
Question #8 Nov. 23rd, 2010
Have you ever asked God for wisdom? Describe a time you asked and the result of your request. If you have never asked, put your request in writing:
Question #7 Nov. 23rd, 2010
Since feelings are powerful, our thought closets must be full of wisdom. Wisdom is the watchman at your thought-closet door. Without its protection, untruth can sneak in when it feels true.
According to the following verses, how do we get a big bin of God's wisdom?
6 For the LORD gives wisdom;
from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
According to the following verses, how do we get a big bin of God's wisdom?
Proverbs 2:6 (New International Version, ©2010)
6 For the LORD gives wisdom;
from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
James 1:5 (New International Version, ©2010)
5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
So how do you and I get it?
- Beg for it
- Inherit it
- Request it
- Receive it
- Barter for it
- Earn it
- Acquire it before senility
Question #6 Nov. 23rd, 2010
A surplus of emotion usually precedes acting without wisdom. Read that again---I don't want you to pass over it too quickly! When we operate out of human wisdom or don't realize we lack God's wisdom, we think and act according to our feelings.
Think of a time you lacked wisdom. What feelings preceded your unwise act?
Think of a time you lacked wisdom. What feelings preceded your unwise act?
Question #5 Nov. 23rd, 2010
Without God's wisdom, we stumble in our reasoning, think with our feelings, and accept lies for truth. Just what does thinking with our feelings look like?
Describe how these characters showed lack of wisdom.
Describe how these characters showed lack of wisdom.
Genesis 25:29-34 (New International Version, ©2010)
29 Once when Jacob was cooking some stew, Esau came in from the open country, famished. 30 He said to Jacob, “Quick, let me have some of that red stew! I’m famished!” (That is why he was also called Edom.[a])
31 Jacob replied, “First sell me your birthright.”
32 “Look, I am about to die,” Esau said. “What good is the birthright to me?”
33 But Jacob said, “Swear to me first.” So he swore an oath to him, selling his birthright to Jacob.
34 Then Jacob gave Esau some bread and some lentil stew. He ate and drank, and then got up and left.
So Esau despised his birthright.
David -
2 Samuel 11:1-5 (New International Version, ©2010)
2 Samuel 11
David and Bathsheba
1 In the spring, at the time when kings go off to war, David sent Joab out with the king’s men and the whole Israelite army. They destroyed the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah. But David remained in Jerusalem. 2 One evening David got up from his bed and walked around on the roof of the palace. From the roof he saw a woman bathing. The woman was very beautiful, 3 and David sent someone to find out about her. The man said, “She is Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam and the wife of Uriah the Hittite.” 4 Then David sent messengers to get her. She came to him, and he slept with her. (Now she was purifying herself from her monthly uncleanness.) Then she went back home. 5 The woman conceived and sent word to David, saying, “I am pregnant.”
2 Samuel 11:14-17 (New International Version, ©2010)
14 In the morning David wrote a letter to Joab and sent it with Uriah. 15 In it he wrote, “Put Uriah out in front where the fighting is fiercest. Then withdraw from him so he will be struck down and die.”
16 So while Joab had the city under siege, he put Uriah at a place where he knew the strongest defenders were. 17 When the men of the city came out and fought against Joab, some of the men in David’s army fell; moreover, Uriah the Hittite died.
Sarah -
Genesis 16:1-6 (New International Version, ©2010)
Genesis 16
Hagar and Ishmael
1 Now Sarai, Abram’s wife, had borne him no children. But she had an Egyptian slave named Hagar; 2 so she said to Abram, “The LORD has kept me from having children. Go, sleep with my slave; perhaps I can build a family through her.” Abram agreed to what Sarai said. 3 So after Abram had been living in Canaan ten years, Sarai his wife took her Egyptian slave Hagar and gave her to her husband to be his wife. 4 He slept with Hagar, and she conceived.
What emotions caused each one of them to act unwisely?
Copy and paste for your answer:
Esau -
David -
Sarah -
Question #4 Nov. 23rd, 2010
Through the gift of wisdom God protects us against the self-deceit and enslavement that come from thinking with our feelings. So, before we grab a bin of wisdom and throw it into our thought closets, we must determine what kind we need.
Make TWO posts. In the first post list what God's wisdom is like according to James 3:17. In the second post list the opposite of each.
James 3:17 (New International Version, ©2010)
17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
Here is the version we used in our introduction. It might help too.
James 3:17 (New American Standard Bible)
17But the wisdom (A)from above is first (B)pure, then (C)peaceable, (D)gentle, reasonable, (E)full of mercy and good fruits, (F)unwavering, without (G)hypocrisy.
Question #3 Nov. 23rd, 2010
If you think with your feelings, you can fall into all manner of false conclusions. Feelings are supposed to serve and strengthen us. Left to themselves, however, they enslave and deplete us.
Ask the Holy Spirit to give you insight as you consider these two questions.
In what ways do I think with my feelings?
Do my feelings serve me well or am I their slave?
Ask the Holy Spirit to give you insight as you consider these two questions.
In what ways do I think with my feelings?
Do my feelings serve me well or am I their slave?
Question #2 Nov. 23rd, 2010
We have two choices concerning out thought closet content: Act according to truth or react to our emotions. Our thought closets have room for both. Feelings are valid, but they must concur with truth to be worthy of our life's wardrobe! We need to understand the basic nature of our feelings so we can give emotions their proper placement.
According to the following Scripture verse, can our hearts (feelings) be fully trusted?
According to the following Scripture verse, can our hearts (feelings) be fully trusted?
- Yes
- No
Jeremiah 17:9 (New International Version, ©2010)
9 The heart is deceitful above all things
and beyond cure.
Who can understand it?
and beyond cure.
Who can understand it?
Question #1 Nov. 23rd, 2010
The Watchman at Your Thought Closet Door
Have you ever awakened from a bad dream and been mad because someone in your dream upset you? You feel sad, irritated, or worried. After time and strong coffee, the morning fog lifts and your realize it was all in your mind. But it felt so real. That's a tiny picture of what living out a false assumption is like. It feels real, but it's not true.
Feelings are powerful, but they don't always represent truth. When we wake from a bad dream, we have to adjust our feelings to truth rather than keep following the fiction of our prior slumber. In a far more difficult arena but with the same principle, we must take control of what we say to our souls--make our inner speech truth driven rather than feeling driven.
Think of a time your emotions got out of control. What kinds of thoughts or actions resulted?
Have you ever awakened from a bad dream and been mad because someone in your dream upset you? You feel sad, irritated, or worried. After time and strong coffee, the morning fog lifts and your realize it was all in your mind. But it felt so real. That's a tiny picture of what living out a false assumption is like. It feels real, but it's not true.
Feelings are powerful, but they don't always represent truth. When we wake from a bad dream, we have to adjust our feelings to truth rather than keep following the fiction of our prior slumber. In a far more difficult arena but with the same principle, we must take control of what we say to our souls--make our inner speech truth driven rather than feeling driven.
Think of a time your emotions got out of control. What kinds of thoughts or actions resulted?
Introduction to week 3 Nov. 23rd, 2010
Yeah!!! We are in week 3 of our study!! Entitled: A Wise Thought Closet
James 3:17 (New American Standard Bible)
17But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy.
Let's sneak a peek into Kathy Troccoli's thought closet.....
I love to be around Kathy! She's Italian, got a thick New York accent and is a gifted singer/songwriter who communicates warmth and depth as she speaks, sings, and writes books. She's a woman with an issue of.....wisdom!
"I used to think too much with my feelings. When I was bulimic for 10 years, I'd feel "you'll never get well" or "you'll never be able to get out of this" But God says, "I am a Healer" and "In Me you are more than a conqueror."
"Many women deal with self-esteem issues: 'I'm not good enough.' Or, 'I don't think God really forgives me.' What happens is they rely on those lies and they bring them down; but there's wisdom in the truth of God, wisdom in His promises. As I've confronted my issues and feelings with truth, I've become wiser. I'm now able to take what I've learned from not being pushed by feelings but instead holding onto truth, and it's made me stronger. I hear it coming out of my mouth as wisdom. I feel like I'm wise in ways I couldn't have been before when I was drowning beneath big waves of emotion."
To read more from Kathy, check out
Good Morning Prayer Nov. 23rd, 2010
Father God, We come to You in the Name of Jesus. Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer. Please bless our digital time together today Lord and help us take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. Amen.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Farewell Nov. 22, 2010
Tomorrow we will learn how God's Spirit helps us control our thought closets and how the wisdom of Christ can be the watchman at the closet door. Until then, mind your labeling, keep the inside of your thought closet pure, and monitor your assumptions, for as a woman "thinketh" so is she (Prov. 23:7 KJV) Good work!
Look up Prov. 23:7 in your favorite version of the Bible and meditate on it until we meet again! ~Judy
Look up Prov. 23:7 in your favorite version of the Bible and meditate on it until we meet again! ~Judy
Question #5 Nov. 22, 2010
My sister, once some of those nasty roots are choked out of your thought closet by the weapon of truth, you will be clothed with the lovely fruit God intended. You will have more room in your thought closet for the life giving roots to grow strong. Our good fruit is ultimately from the root of Christ and His Spirit in us.
Philippians 1:11 (New International Version)
11 filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.
Galatians 5:22-23 (New International Version)
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
What are some of the "lovely" fruits God intended for you according to these verses?
Question #4 Nov. 22, 2010
Your weapon is not your will or your feelings; your weapon is God's truth. When your assumptions raise themselves up against the knowledge of God, wield your sword! Cut off the root so it cannot bear fruit! Ask God to strengthen your belief in Him and equip you to do battle using His Word against the faulty assumptions in your thought closet. Confess to God truthful beliefs in prayer.
Copy and Paste the following prayer and fill it in for your post.
Dear God,
I believe You are:
I believe:
I believe:
I believe:
Help my unbelief (Mark 9:24). Amen.
Copy and Paste the following prayer and fill it in for your post.
Dear God,
I believe You are:
I believe:
I believe:
I believe:
Help my unbelief (Mark 9:24). Amen.
Question #3 Nov. 22, 2010
The weapon of the Word kills bad roots. Just as we have talked about speaking truth to our souls and crushing lies, we do the same to our roots. We confront those assumptions with truth. Each time you taste a bitter fruit, trace the root. When you find the root to be faulty, cut it off with the sword of the Spirit.
How does the following Scripture verse describe your weapon?
How does the following Scripture verse describe your weapon?
2 Corinthians 10:4 (New International Version)
4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.
Question #2 Nov. 22, 2010
My friends, unbelief feeds faulty assumptions. Not believing God fertilizes that root leads you to further presumption.
Examine the roots you have recently identified and labeled. How do these roots reflect unbelief?
Examine the roots you have recently identified and labeled. How do these roots reflect unbelief?
Question #1 Nov. 22, 2010
Deuteronomy 1:32 reveals the true nature of and cause of faulty assumptions. According to this verse, post the reason we accept faulty assumptions.
Deuteronomy 1:32 (New International Version)
32 In spite of this, you did not trust in the LORD your God,
Which reason do we accept faulty assumptions according to this verse?
Which reason do we accept faulty assumptions according to this verse?
- Insecurity
- Fear
- Pride
- Unbelief
- Carelessness
Good Morning Prayer Nov. 22, 2010
Father God, We come to you in the name of Jesus. May the words of our mouths, and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer. Help us to take every thought captive today and make it obedient to Jesus Christ. Help us to identify the root causes and faulty assumptions in our thought closets that are producing the bad fruit in our lives. Amen.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Farewell Nov. 19th, 2010
If the Hebrew people had vibrant roots of truth in their thought closets, they would have tasted healthy fruit. If they had not acted presumptuously but rather believed God and accepted truth that says, "God will fight for us; I won't be afraid," they would have produced the fruit of confidence and obedience from the root of faith and security.
Next time we meet we will discuss whether unbelief feeds our faulty assumptions or not. God Bless and I will see ya Monday! ~Judy
Next time we meet we will discuss whether unbelief feeds our faulty assumptions or not. God Bless and I will see ya Monday! ~Judy
Question #7 Nov. 19th, 2010
Their root was a faulty assumption about the character and purposes of God. Hence, the fruit of wrong thinking sprouted in the form of discounting God's command and rebelling.
Moses tried to sprinkle truth on their poisonous root. What did he tell them in Deuteronomy 1:29, 31?
Moses tried to sprinkle truth on their poisonous root. What did he tell them in Deuteronomy 1:29, 31?
Deuteronomy 1:29-31 (New International Version)
29 Then I said to you, “Do not be terrified; do not be afraid of them. 30 The LORD your God, who is going before you, will fight for you, as he did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes, 31 and in the wilderness. There you saw how the LORD your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place.”
Quesiton #6 Nov.19th, 2010
The fruit of that faulty assumption is clear. What fruit did they display (result of that root) in verse 26?
Deuteronomy 1:26 (New International Version)
Rebellion Against the LORD
26 But you were unwilling to go up; you rebelled against the command of the LORD your God.Question #5 Nov. 19th, 2010
Principle #3: Bad Fruit Doesn't Grow from Good Roots
My fruit of defensiveness grew from a root of pride and insecurity. My assumption was, "I can't afford to be wrong? My value depends on being right," or "My opinion is right because it's mine!"
The fruit of hypersensitivity grows from the root of pride and an unhealthy level of self-consciousness. The fruit of perfectionism springs from the root of low self-esteem or insecurity. You get the idea. Look at the roots you posted earlier. Each root is most likely a faulty assumption.
On what underlying assumption did the children of Israel operate in the following Scripture verse?
My fruit of defensiveness grew from a root of pride and insecurity. My assumption was, "I can't afford to be wrong? My value depends on being right," or "My opinion is right because it's mine!"
The fruit of hypersensitivity grows from the root of pride and an unhealthy level of self-consciousness. The fruit of perfectionism springs from the root of low self-esteem or insecurity. You get the idea. Look at the roots you posted earlier. Each root is most likely a faulty assumption.
On what underlying assumption did the children of Israel operate in the following Scripture verse?
Deuteronomy 1:27 (New International Version)
27 You grumbled in your tents and said, “The LORD hates us; so he brought us out of Egypt to deliver us into the hands of the Amorites to destroy us.
Question #4 Nov. 19th, 2010
We can't will our fruits from blossoming. There is only one way to deal with bad-tasting fruit, and that is to kill the root. A fruit can't be nourished if there is no root. Rather than growing frustrated over the discouraging nature of our fruit, we can be encouraged to recognize that our fruit will die if the root dies.
When I reacted with hypersensitivity or defensiveness to Phil, I learned to check the root. Was I operating out of a faulty assumption? My answer was usually yes. Phil wasn't devaluing me in a moment of messiness or forgetfulness. His thoughts weren't even about me when he left the toilet seat up. (I guess I'm glad for that on some level.)
Choose one of the fruits you posted and describe what triggers that thought, reaction, or feeling:
What underlying assumption feeds that thought or feeling?
Keep in mind what you write is a root.
When I reacted with hypersensitivity or defensiveness to Phil, I learned to check the root. Was I operating out of a faulty assumption? My answer was usually yes. Phil wasn't devaluing me in a moment of messiness or forgetfulness. His thoughts weren't even about me when he left the toilet seat up. (I guess I'm glad for that on some level.)
Choose one of the fruits you posted and describe what triggers that thought, reaction, or feeling:
What underlying assumption feeds that thought or feeling?
Keep in mind what you write is a root.
Question #3 Nov. 19th, 2010
You and I don't simply sprout the fruits of insecurity, anger, intolerance, low self-esteem, or defensiveness without something to first feed those feelings or thoughts. Feelings and thoughts are fruits. Assumptions are roots.
Principle 2: Changing the fruit is impossible without changing the root
Roots are powerful and they seem to evidence their DNA even when we don't want them to. We may really dislike the fruit, but it just seems to keep on growing.
My friend, the sour fruit of defensiveness has been one of the most distasteful that has blossomed and left a pungent taste in our marriage. I tried to pray that fruit away. I confessed that fruit as sin and repented. I tried to will it away, and it just seemed to be a die-hard fruit!
How do Hosea 9:16 and Matthew 7:17-18 reveal the relationship of roots and fruit?
16 Ephraim is blighted,
their root is withered,
they yield no fruit.
Even if they bear children,
I will slay their cherished offspring.”
Principle 2: Changing the fruit is impossible without changing the root
Roots are powerful and they seem to evidence their DNA even when we don't want them to. We may really dislike the fruit, but it just seems to keep on growing.
My friend, the sour fruit of defensiveness has been one of the most distasteful that has blossomed and left a pungent taste in our marriage. I tried to pray that fruit away. I confessed that fruit as sin and repented. I tried to will it away, and it just seemed to be a die-hard fruit!
How do Hosea 9:16 and Matthew 7:17-18 reveal the relationship of roots and fruit?
Hosea 9:16 (New International Version)
16 Ephraim is blighted,
their root is withered,
they yield no fruit.
Even if they bear children,
I will slay their cherished offspring.”
Matthew 7:17-18 (New International Version)
17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.
Question #2 Nov. 19th, 2010
The fruit that springs from the root of bitterness are difficulty and corruption. In other words, if you engage in the faulty assumptions that bitterness is appropriate for a daughter of Christ, it becomes a root in your life from which the fruit of trouble will sprout. If you invite bitterness into your thought closet, you will wardrobe yourself with troublesome thoughts and destructive emotions.
Stop and ask God to first show you the bitter and sour fruit in your life. What is your fruit? Are you hypersensitive with other people--as I was with Phil? do you constantly interpret other people's words and actions as personal attacks?
Defensive thinking and hypersensitive emotions are fruit.
Here's another fruit. During my college years I was paralyzed by the notion that nothing I did was good enough. That assumption bore the fruit of perfectionism. Do you ever find that fruit in you life? If your fruit of perfectionism has matured, you may place those same unrealistic demands on the people you love.
Label your fruit. In a post, list the root (faulty assumption) and label with the result. Describe each fruit, for example: (poison, sour, nourishing)
Stop and ask God to first show you the bitter and sour fruit in your life. What is your fruit? Are you hypersensitive with other people--as I was with Phil? do you constantly interpret other people's words and actions as personal attacks?
Defensive thinking and hypersensitive emotions are fruit.
Here's another fruit. During my college years I was paralyzed by the notion that nothing I did was good enough. That assumption bore the fruit of perfectionism. Do you ever find that fruit in you life? If your fruit of perfectionism has matured, you may place those same unrealistic demands on the people you love.
Label your fruit. In a post, list the root (faulty assumption) and label with the result. Describe each fruit, for example: (poison, sour, nourishing)
Question #1 Nov. 19th, 2010
Roots and Fruits
To understand the unseen part of a tree, you study the seen part. Fruit reveals the nature, the life, and the root of a tree. However, the opposite also applies. To understand the seen part of your life, you examine the unseen part. To understand why your life is wardrobed as it is, you must examine the contents and foundation of your thought closet.
A couple of days ago, we looked at faulty assumptions. Faulty assumptions are roots. Wrong thinking is fruit. We saw the assumptions and thoughts of some biblical characters and considered our own. Today we will further examine our assumptions and thoughts. We will check out our roots and taste our fruit! Let's use scriptural principles to guide us.
Principle 1: Fruit Exposes Roots
Hebrews 12:15 shows the link between roots and fruit. What does it warn against?
To understand the unseen part of a tree, you study the seen part. Fruit reveals the nature, the life, and the root of a tree. However, the opposite also applies. To understand the seen part of your life, you examine the unseen part. To understand why your life is wardrobed as it is, you must examine the contents and foundation of your thought closet.
A couple of days ago, we looked at faulty assumptions. Faulty assumptions are roots. Wrong thinking is fruit. We saw the assumptions and thoughts of some biblical characters and considered our own. Today we will further examine our assumptions and thoughts. We will check out our roots and taste our fruit! Let's use scriptural principles to guide us.
Principle 1: Fruit Exposes Roots
Hebrews 12:15 shows the link between roots and fruit. What does it warn against?
Hebrews 12:15 (New International Version)
15 See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.
What is the "fruit" that the writer of Hebrews suggests springs from the "root" of bitterness?
Good Morning Prayer Nov. 19th, 2010
Father God, Please bless out digital time together today! Let the words of our mouths, and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord my strength, and my redeemer. Help us to destroy speculations and every lofty thing that raises itself up against the knowledge of God, and help us to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Amen.
Reminds me of a favorite song I have....
Reminds me of a favorite song I have....
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Message for Michele Crowley
I just want to say I am sorry up front. I had a friend call me with an emergency this morning and I have to go help her in a few minutes. I have already been over there helping her this morning and I have to go back. So, you get the day off! So sorry. I will miss this study today, but my friend really needs me. So again, I apologize and I promise to see you tomorrow. God Bless, Judy
I just want to say I am sorry up front. I had a friend call me with an emergency this morning and I have to go help her in a few minutes. I have already been over there helping her this morning and I have to go back. So, you get the day off! So sorry. I will miss this study today, but my friend really needs me. So again, I apologize and I promise to see you tomorrow. God Bless, Judy
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Farewell Nov. 17th, 2010
The Greek word for "presumptuous" in 1 Peter is tolmetes,
meaning "a daring man." My friend, to engage in assumption is to be presumptuous. It is to be a daring woman in the worst way! It is to take for granted that your way, your view, and your opinion are worthy of forming the foundation of your thoughts. Only God's way, view, and opinion are worthy of becoming the foundation of our thought closets.
Presumption shows itself in me when I wrongly assume my perspective is complete but it is actually limited by my experiences and flawed by my sinful nature. The fact that I act on my presumptions implies in the depth of my heart I trust and prefer my view above God's.
My friend when God showed me this, I asked Him to forgive me for engaging in presumption. If God is showing you the same, repent of this and ask God for His forgivness.
Read Psalm 19:13 again aloud as a prayer.
13Also keep back Your servant from presumptuous sins;
Let them not rule over me;
Then I will be blameless,
And I shall be acquitted of great transgression.
meaning "a daring man." My friend, to engage in assumption is to be presumptuous. It is to be a daring woman in the worst way! It is to take for granted that your way, your view, and your opinion are worthy of forming the foundation of your thoughts. Only God's way, view, and opinion are worthy of becoming the foundation of our thought closets.
Presumption shows itself in me when I wrongly assume my perspective is complete but it is actually limited by my experiences and flawed by my sinful nature. The fact that I act on my presumptions implies in the depth of my heart I trust and prefer my view above God's.
My friend when God showed me this, I asked Him to forgive me for engaging in presumption. If God is showing you the same, repent of this and ask God for His forgivness.
Read Psalm 19:13 again aloud as a prayer.
Psalm 19:13 (New American Standard Bible)
13Also keep back Your servant from presumptuous sins;
Let them not rule over me;
Then I will be blameless,
And I shall be acquitted of great transgression.
Let's end our time together today by committing the foundation of our thought closets to God's truth, not faulty assumptions. We want thought closets teeming with truth, full of right thinking, and grounded with God's thoughts, not our own.
I want you to memorize Psalm 19:13, so write it on a sticky note or index card and carry it around with you today. Meditate on it and pray it constantly so your thought closet will have God's light shining brightly in it, exposing any faulty assumption in there. Bless you, my sister.
Question #9 Nov. 17th, 2010
How does presumption reveal itself according to 2 Peter 2:10?
2 Peter 2:10 (New International Version)
10 This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the flesh[a] and despise authority.
Bold and arrogant, they are not afraid to heap abuse on celestial beings;
Does that sound arrogant, proud or insolent to you?
- Yes
- No
Question #8 Nov. 17th, 2010
The Hebrew word translated to our English presumptuous
(zed) in that verse means arrogant, proud, or insolent.
In a post, describe a time you have been presumptuous:
Was your presumption arrogant or humble?
Was your willingness to presume a result of pride or submission? Explain.
(zed) in that verse means arrogant, proud, or insolent.
In a post, describe a time you have been presumptuous:
Was your presumption arrogant or humble?
Was your willingness to presume a result of pride or submission? Explain.
Question #7 Nov. 17th, 2010
Those words are quite similar, aren't they? In fact, the Latin root of both words is the same: -sume, meaning to take. I wanted you to see the similarity of those two words because Scripture warns against acting with presumption.
Read Psalm 19:13 (NASB) What does the psalmist pray God would keep him from?
13Also keep back Your servant (A)from presumptuous sins;
Let them not (B)rule over me;
Then I will be [a](C)blameless,
And I shall be acquitted of (D)great transgression.
Read Psalm 19:13 (NASB) What does the psalmist pray God would keep him from?
Psalm 19:13 (New American Standard Bible)
13Also keep back Your servant (A)from presumptuous sins;
Let them not (B)rule over me;
Then I will be [a](C)blameless,
And I shall be acquitted of (D)great transgression.
Question #6 Nov. 17th, 2010
To willingly allow faulty assumptions in our thought closets is risky. It's to engage in presumption. I want you to see something interesting about the words assume and presume.
How does your dictionary define assume?
Now look up the word presume. What does it mean?
How does your dictionary define assume?
Now look up the word presume. What does it mean?
Quesiton #5 Nov. 17th, 2010
Faulty assumptions always reveal themselves in wrong thinking and result in erroneous action.
Martha questioned Jesus' motives behind not coming sooner.
Jezebel exalted her belief in idolatry against God's miracles.
Rachel threatened to give up hope if she did not get her way.
Job's wife suggested when life is hard, abandon God and take control.
With which of the characters do you best relate? Explain why in a post.
Martha questioned Jesus' motives behind not coming sooner.
Jezebel exalted her belief in idolatry against God's miracles.
Rachel threatened to give up hope if she did not get her way.
Job's wife suggested when life is hard, abandon God and take control.
With which of the characters do you best relate? Explain why in a post.
Question #4 Nov. 17th, 2010
Our assumptions affect everything! They impact our relationships, thoughts, and actions. Let's sneak a peek into some Bible characters' thought closets to see their faulty assumptions.
Find the following characters and post their faulty assumptions next to the references.
Martha -
Find the following characters and post their faulty assumptions next to the references.
Martha -
John 11:21 (New International Version)
21 “Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died.
1 Kings 19:1-2 (New International Version)
1 Now Ahab told Jezebel everything Elijah had done and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword. 2 So Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah to say, “May the gods deal with me, be it ever so severely, if by this time tomorrow I do not make your life like that of one of them.”Rachel-
Genesis 30:1 (New International Version)
1 When Rachel saw that she was not bearing Jacob any children, she became jealous of her sister. So she said to Jacob, “Give me children, or I’ll die!”
Job's Wife-
Job 2:9 (New International Version)
9 His wife said to him, “Are you still maintaining your integrity? Curse God and die!”
Copy and paste the following for your answer post.
Martha (John 11:21)-
Jezebel (1 Kings 19:1-2)-
Rachel (Gen. 30:1)-
Job's wife (Job 2:9)-
Copy and paste the following for your answer post.
Martha (John 11:21)-
Jezebel (1 Kings 19:1-2)-
Rachel (Gen. 30:1)-
Job's wife (Job 2:9)-
Question #3 Nov. 17th, 2010
As a young wife, I brought my share of faulty assumptions into marriage. My thought closet's ill-fitting beliefs clothed me with wrong thinking. Those misguided thoughts grew into unrealistic expectations, and i couldn't understand why Pil didn't get it! How could he be so insensitive?
I entertained thoughts like, If he really valued me, he would pick up his clothes and lower the toilet seat. I thought if Phil did something I didn't like, he didn't value my opinion or think it was important. When he handled things differently, I supposed his priorities were out of line. I assumed that it was all about me. Does that sound like a faulty assumption to you?
What faulty assumptions have you held? If you're not married, answer based on a close relationship (parent, child, sibling, friend, boyfriend).
Post three examples and then tell how one assumption impacted your relationship.
I entertained thoughts like, If he really valued me, he would pick up his clothes and lower the toilet seat. I thought if Phil did something I didn't like, he didn't value my opinion or think it was important. When he handled things differently, I supposed his priorities were out of line. I assumed that it was all about me. Does that sound like a faulty assumption to you?
What faulty assumptions have you held? If you're not married, answer based on a close relationship (parent, child, sibling, friend, boyfriend).
Post three examples and then tell how one assumption impacted your relationship.
Question #2 Nov. 17th, 2010
Before I ask about your specific assumptions, sneak a peak into my thought closet, and I'll show you some of mine!
In college I assumed my worth was measured by my performance. As a result, I filled my thought closet with lots of wrong thinking. Thoughts like no matter how hard you try, you could have done better.Does that sound like a faulty assumption and wrong thinking to you?
Did you tuck away some faulty assumptions as an older teen or young adult? Post three examples.
In college I assumed my worth was measured by my performance. As a result, I filled my thought closet with lots of wrong thinking. Thoughts like no matter how hard you try, you could have done better.Does that sound like a faulty assumption and wrong thinking to you?
Did you tuck away some faulty assumptions as an older teen or young adult? Post three examples.
Question #1 Nov. 17th, 2010
As a little girl, each Sunday we passed a beautiful Catholic church. Stately and ornate, it didn't look like my church at all, and it always caught my gaze. Then came the day when it amazed me beyond words.
As a child I could see well, and colors, architecture, and even signage captured my attention. You'll understand my astonishment when my eyes landed on an ordinary street sign planted in the parking lot of this extraordinary church that read: Angle Parking Only, I was about six and wasn't a great reader, so I thought it said Angel Parking Only. I was in awe the Catholics had angels attending. I'd never seen any at my church!
Years later I realized my spelling gaffe. It was fun thinking angels parked at the Catholic church, but it was wrong. My wrong thinking came from a faulty assumption. All of our thoughts are based on our assumptions, our beliefs. That's why we must have truthful assumptions.
Faulty assumptions are not harmless accessories we take on and off. They actually become the base of our thoughts and actions. They anchor the wardrobe of our lives. That's why it's very dangerous to assume something is true when it isn't.
Begin to consider your assumptions. Can you see how they influence your thoughts?
How are assumptions and thoughts connected?
As a child I could see well, and colors, architecture, and even signage captured my attention. You'll understand my astonishment when my eyes landed on an ordinary street sign planted in the parking lot of this extraordinary church that read: Angle Parking Only, I was about six and wasn't a great reader, so I thought it said Angel Parking Only. I was in awe the Catholics had angels attending. I'd never seen any at my church!
Years later I realized my spelling gaffe. It was fun thinking angels parked at the Catholic church, but it was wrong. My wrong thinking came from a faulty assumption. All of our thoughts are based on our assumptions, our beliefs. That's why we must have truthful assumptions.
Faulty assumptions are not harmless accessories we take on and off. They actually become the base of our thoughts and actions. They anchor the wardrobe of our lives. That's why it's very dangerous to assume something is true when it isn't.
Begin to consider your assumptions. Can you see how they influence your thoughts?
How are assumptions and thoughts connected?
Good Morning Prayer Nov. 17th, 2010
Father please bless our digital time together in Jesus name. Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord my strength, and my redeemer. Help us to destroy speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Amen.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Farewell Nov. 16th, 2010
If you feel like you are unraveling, pray today about purifying your thought closet and renewing your mind so you will have truth on the inside and truth on the outside!
Oh, the freedom authenticity brings! To have truth in your thought closet and to clothe yourself in it! Bring it on!
Tomorrow we will talk about "Faulty Assumptions."
See ya tomorrow!
Oh, the freedom authenticity brings! To have truth in your thought closet and to clothe yourself in it! Bring it on!
Tomorrow we will talk about "Faulty Assumptions."
See ya tomorrow!
Question #8 Nov. 16th, 2010
God wants us to have integrity (Ps. 51:6 Yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb; you taught me wisdom in that secret place.)Do you struggle with the Pharisee phenomenon?
I do. I don't mean to, but I slip into cleaning the outside of my cup and neglecting the inside. If some ill-fitting thought, clumsy consideration, lying label, or faulty thinking is in your thought closet, clean it out now!
Look at these verses to celebrate the source of your purification.
Titus 2:14 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
14 He gave Himself for us (A) to redeem us from all lawlessness and to cleanse for Himself a special people, (B) eager to do good works.
Hebrews 9:14 (New International Version)
14 How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death,[a] so that we may serve the living God!
James 4:8 (New International Version)
8 Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
Post one of these or another of your choosing that you could stand on today.
Question #7 Nov. 16th, 2010
The Pharisees' original intention may have been to know truth and please God, but their thought closets eventually became so diluted by tradition and polluted by pride that they didn't even recognize truth when they met Christ. That's what happens to us when we are conformed to the world's thinking rather than being transformed by truth renewing our minds.
Describe in a post the two pictures Jesus used to describe the Pharisees in the following Scripture.
Does either of the descriptions remind you of your thought closet?
Describe in a post the two pictures Jesus used to describe the Pharisees in the following Scripture.
Matthew 23:25-28 (New International Version)
25 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. 26 Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.
27 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. 28 In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.Does either of the descriptions remind you of your thought closet?
- Yes
- No
- Why or why not?
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