Judy Rowland

Judy Rowland
Ready to study with me?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Question #3

The Holy Spirit will not shout down the noise of our busy world to counsel you. He won't try to silence all the racket in your thought closet to be heard. To hear His counsel, we have to quiet ourselves and truly listen.
I know sometimes when I hear His gentle voice counsel me  I am hesitant. I can't always distinguish His voice from my own thoughts and intuition. Do you ever feel that same uncertainty? When we are walking with Christ, though, I believe God's Spirit speaks to us more than we realize. He counsels us through the words of Scripture  and the remarks of others.

Can you think of a time when you received counsel from the Holy Spirit? If so, describe it:


  1. THere was a time in our marriage where we had been having the same argument over and over for a period of about 4 years. Neither one of us were very happy, and I was definitely not silent about how I felt! Finally there came a time when I felt the Lord telling me I needed to be silent and just pray about this particular issue (For those who know me know this was HARD!!!!!)When my husband would ask me what I thought he should do, I began to say, "Whatever you feel you need to do". This was definitely not the answer he expected. I listened to the Holy Spirit, stayed silent and prayed for my husband and this situation, and several months later, he came to me and told me what he felt the Lord was leading him to do. Such an answer to prayer!

  2. One particularly difficult time was when I caught a person I loved in a lie about something. Trying to be discrete here. I found this person with something that they shouldn't have and when I mean I found, I mean, red handed. I said where did this come from and they said they just found it tucked away in some things that had been packed for a long time. They said they were going to throw it away. At first, I accepted that explanation and headed up the stairs, but the Holy Spirit very strongly prompted me to go back and ask to look at it. Upon further inspection, I found a date on the item. This person was caught in a bold faced lie, which lead to repentance and change.
